Christmas Eve morning 2016
Karma gave birth to 5 little piglets.
So adorable.
2 girls and 3 boys.
All healthy and active & ready to chow down.
Karma gave birth to 5 little piglets.
So adorable.
2 girls and 3 boys.
All healthy and active & ready to chow down.

Pigs are pregnant for 3 months
3 weeks
3 days
and can have from 1 to 12 piglets.
3 weeks
3 days
and can have from 1 to 12 piglets.
Whew, thankfully she only had 5.
They are born eyes open, with teeth
and tons of energy.
And boy can they scream
when they want their way at a nipple.
They are born eyes open, with teeth
and tons of energy.
And boy can they scream
when they want their way at a nipple.

Noises I have never heard before come from those tiny little creatures.
But they are so cute and cuddly and are open to touch as long as you move slow and touch lightly.
After a few hours they were coming to us craving to be touched and pet on. Makes my heart melt remembering that day.
When piglets are born they cannot regulate their own body temperatures for about 2 weeks so you must keep them warm. The recommended temperature is around 90 degrees fahrenheit so we setup a bell lamp up with a incandescent light bulb in it. Puts off great heat. Since we live in Florida it wasn't terribly cold outside and Karma was inside with the babies we did not have to provide too much more heat for them to keep them warm. Plus they hardly leave the mommas side and she keeps them pretty warm along with blankets.
January 1, 2017 - 1 week old
Now at 1 week old they are really getting bigger and starting to look more like piggies instead of tiny rhinos or hippos.

So much smarter than any dog or cat I have ever known.
They love to hang out out on the screened porch. Weather is still warm so they are not cold. They also like hanging out inside on their blankets too. Cuddled together under the heat lamp. They really do like it warm. A few have gotten the 'zoomies' - where 1 sec the pig will be calm and next zooming around the room like it is on fire or something. Scares the crap out of me sometimes when they go whizzing by my feet or bounce off a wall or chair. Lots of energy in very short bursts then they go back to sleeping. But they are sleeping less and getting curious about everything.
January 6, 2017 - Discovered Piggie Pellets

2 Weeks old now and momma not feeding them as often as the first week and the babies are getting more active and want something more substantial than momma milk. Mazzuri Pig Pellets - Youth for ages 0 weeks - 4 months is what we feed them.
Since they are so small we moisten the pellets in water.

Makes a mush
they love it
They shove their little faces into it getting it all over - absolutely adorable to watch. Hungry little piglets filling their bellies. Grunting and making happy piggy noises.